Conservative Values Tomorrow

Join the movement and empower young conservatives to stand up and take back our future.


Conservative Values Tomorrow believes in empowering the next generation of young conservatives to stand up for their principles of strong families and powerful communities.






Conservative Values Tomorrow believes in empowering the next generation of young conservatives to stand up for their principles of strong families and powerful communities.

6 Principals

We believe that strong organizations come from having sound foundations in secure principles.

Strong families

Strong families are the foundation of healthy communities. Governments should empower parents to make the best decisions for their families.

Equality of opportunity

Without facing discrimination, every person should be given a fair chance to get an education and start a career in our society.

Fundamental freedom

Faith communities are a fundamental pillar of our society and should be empowered not over-policed.

National unity

 We believe in a united Canada with a distinct identity. Canada should defend the interests of our workers and their families at home and abroad. 

Rule of law

Our government must uphold ethical law enforcement and keep neighbourhoods safe.

Economic well-being

We measure economic success based on the ability of Canadians to have a job and pursue their own goals.

Join Tomorrow's Conservative Club

Become a member. By becoming a member, you will help empower young conservative Canadians to stand up for themselves and their communities. 




Premier Member


Founding Member

Apply for Our Program

CVT is creating an innovative fellowship program for young conservatives, which is set to launch in 2023. Sign up to learn more in the coming months.